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Why Should I Spay or Neuter My Pet?

Spaying or neutering your pet may be a hard decision to make, but it is crucial for its benefits. Spaying or neutering benefits your pet both medically and behaviorally.


What are Spaying and Neutering?


The difference between spaying and neutering is determined by the sex of the pet. Spaying is a sterilizing procedure that female pets undergo, where your vet in Evergreen, CO removes both their uterus and ovaries. On the other hand, neutering is a sterilizing procedure where your vet in Evergreen removes a male pet’s testicles.


Medical Benefits of Spaying and Neutering


  • A Healthier and Longer Life. Spaying benefits female pets by preventing breast tumors and uterine infections. Spaying before your pet’s first heat will protect them from such diseases.

  • Prevent Prostate and Testicle-Related Cancers. Testicular cancer is a common health problem for older male dogs who have not been neutered. For dogs, neutering increases life expectancy up to 18 percent.

Behavioral Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

  • Better Behavior. Un-neutered pets are more likely to misbehave by spraying their urine all over your house to mark territory. Early neutering may help solve aggression problems in pets as well. Also, your dog is less likely to mount other dogs, inanimate objects, or people after neutering.

  • Roaming. Neutering helps solve the problem of pets roaming away from home to look for mates. This will help reduce the risk of your pet getting injured from traffic or violent confrontations with other male pets.

  • No Heat. Female pets go on heat four to five days after every three weeks during the breeding season. They normally urinate and yowl as a way of attracting mates. Spaying will help stop this.


When Should You Spay or Neuter Your Pet?


Traditionally, neutering dogs happens between six to nine months. However, pet owners can neuter their puppies from eight weeks old if they are healthy. They can also neuter dogs at an older age, but they risk developing complications after the procedure. 


For cats, an owner can neuter or spay eight-week-old kittens. It is advisable to schedule the procedure for your cat before the age of five months. This will help eliminate any chance of pregnancy or urine spraying.


How You Can Help


Your veterinarian in Evergreen, CO at Evergreen Animal Hospital will give you pre-procedure instructions to follow. However, you should avoid feeding your pet past midnight the night before the surgery. In some cases, your  Evergreen veterinarian may advise you not to withhold any food for your pet's adequate nutrition.


Your veterinarian should also give you instructions to follow after the operation. Your pet may experience some pain or discomfort after the procedure. You may receive some medication to administer to your pet according to your vet’s prescription.


It is important to ensure your pet recovers in a safe place secluded from other animals. Prevent your pet from running and jumping around after surgery to ensure a comfortable and safe recovery.


Ensure you check the incision daily to monitor improvement. Also, stop your pet from licking the incision to avoid any infection. Lastly, do not bathe your pet after the surgery for at least ten days.


For more information on spaying or neutering pets, call Evergreen Animal Hospital in Evergreen, Colorado at (303) 674-4331 with any questions or to book an appointment today.

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